set HyperTextList = [] set VideoList = [] @ WHITE CABBAGE SALAD Rinse the cabbage under running water, wipe dry. Halve, then using a well sharpened knife, shred finely. Halve the hard-boiled eggs, keep the yolks aside. Slice the whites thinly. In a salad bowl, make a dressing with the salt, pepper, 1 tablespoon of oil and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Place in the salad the serving utensils. Pour in the cabbage and the egg whites. Cut the bacon into very fine strips. Brown with 2 tablespoons oil in a frying pan. Throw the very hot bacon with its fat onto the salad. Sprinkle with the chopped hard-boiled egg yolks and serve immediately. @ 1 white cabbage 3 eggs, hard-boiled 1/2 lb smoked bacon peanut oil cider vinegar, salt, pepper @ 15 mn @ 5 mn @ Mix only right before serving. Serve with a Rosˇ d'Anjou. @ @ Appetizers @ @ Anjou @